Друкеровский вестник

Drukerovskij vestnik

ISSN 2312-6469 (Print)

Drukerovskij vestnik 2016; 2:





P.D. Ratner, Y.Yu. Khrustalyev

Ratner Pavel D. - Senior technician of Central Economics and
Mathematics Institute, Moscow, Russia.

4 Nahimovskiy ln., 117418, Moscow, Russia
e-mail: lanarat@gmail.com

Hrustalev Evgeniy Yu. – Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head

of the Laboratory of Central Economics and Mathematics Institute, Moscow,

4 Nahimovskiy ln., 117418, Moscow, Russia
e-mail: stalev@cemi.rssi.ru



Currently, professionals in information technology are one of the most required
human resources on the labor market in developed countries, including Russia. Programming
in the majority of Russian universities is studied on a most basic level, quite often using
outdated technology. On the other hand, teaching more modern programming technologies
and methods is a more complex task than using the methods has developed historically. There
is a possibility to solve the problems in teaching programming to students, and this possibility
covers both the modern methods of programming and studying the subject in general:
teaching via games and game-like methods. The goal of this paper is to test and compare
various games and game-like software applications that can be used in studying basics of
programming, both in universities and as additional education.


Keywords: professional training, software tools, second level of education, innovative educational technology.


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