Друкеровский вестник

Drukerovskij vestnik

ISSN 2312-6469 (Print)


Requirements for manuscripts

for publication in the journal "DRUKEROVSKIJ VESTNIK"


General requirements

  1. Articles should correspond to the topics of economic sciences, contain new results of interdisciplinary research in the field of economics and management, institutional approaches to solving problems of strategic management, never published before.
  2. Article may be submitted in Russian or English. The volume of the article should not be less than 8 pages.
  3. The structure of the article must contain the following elements:

-       title of the article;

-       a list of authors with an indication of e-mail and represent the organization;

-       abstract (100 -150 words);

-       keywords;

-       content of the containing semantic paragraphs IMRAD (introduction, methods, results and discussion).

-        references according to the Vancouver system;

-       at the end of the article is in Russian: the name, the list of authors, abstract, information about authors and transliterated references.

  1. As the literature accompanying the article are encouraged to provide a review, the authors - graduate students to provide mandatory.

Components of the articles and their sequence

1. Research classified by Journal of Economic Literature codes (JEL) (https://ideas.repec.org/j/index.html)

2. In a line down the middle - the name of the article (in capital letters, size 14, straight, bold).

3. In a line down the middle - the initials and surname (s) of the author (s) (14 pt, italic, bold).

4. In a line down the middle - the name of the organization where the authors work (14 pt, italic, bold).

5. In a line across the width - abstract (size 12, italics).

6. Across the width of the line - key words (size 12, italics).

7. Two lines p.2-6 in Russian.

8. Two lines - the text of the article (14 pt, 1.0 spacing, font Times New Roman, no-wrap), which includes the required structural elements (IMRAD).

9. In a line down the middle - references (center, size 14, bold).

10. In a line across the width - References (size 12).


Dialing Rules and for manuscripts

Paper Size: A4.

Orientation: Portrait.

Margins: top, bottom, inside - 3 cm; outside - 2 cm. Indent abzatsnoy - 1.25 cm.

Typefaces: Times New Roman.

 Drawings and photographs. Allowed only in black and white clear drawings made using computer graphics or. All figures must be numbered (Fig. 1, Fig. 2 and so on..) And have captions. Figure number and caption are placed below the figure. All symbols, terms, position, size, and others. The drawings and photographs shall be as given in the text or in the figure.

 Drawings and photographs should be placed in the text after the paragraph in which the first reference is made to them. Allowed to put pictures and photos on the next page after the link.

Links to all the drawings in the text are obligatory. The width of the pattern should not be greater than the bandwidth of typing. Point at the end of the caption is not assigned.

Sample design pattern:


Fig. 1. Refinement of estimates for the impact of R & D as the level of technology readiness (deadlines for research - the same)

Table. The width of the table should not be larger than the bandwidth of typing. Name (title) of the table is typed in bold 14 point size, the text in the table - in normal font point size 10. Tables should be placed in the text after the paragraph in which the first reference is made to them. Not place the table on the next page after the link. The word "Table" and its number is placed before the name of the table without a point in code 14 with alignment of text to the right.

Sample table design:

Table 1

Patent grants by type for the 2000-2012 biennium. [7]


Patents Issued

Of them

for inventions

utility model

industrial designs


















Formula. Should be numbered only the most important formulas that are referenced in the text. For formulas, it is recommended to use the editor MathType. Font size: the main - 11; Large index - 7; small index - 5; major character - 14; small symbol - 10. The typeface Times New Roman. For a set of mathematical formulas using the Latin alphabet (in italics), the Greek alphabet (direct print) and Gothic (direct print).

Sample of the formulas:


All abbreviations in the text should be decrypted. Allowed only common abbreviations measures, physical, chemical and mathematical values.


Making a list of references

The list includes only those works for which the author refers to in the text. Sources in the list of references should be numbered and arranged in the order of their appearance in the text (in order of citation) or in alphabetical order.

Before sending the article to the editor, you must ensure the relevance of all references to electronic sources.

  When making a list of references is recommended to avoid references to newspaper articles, theses, dissertations and other sources that are invisible to the international community. Instead of referring to the thesis, it is recommended to refer to the published monograph.



 JEL O30, B41



©  A.V. Dutov*, V.V. Klochkov** 2014

 * Krylov State Research Center, St-Petersburg, Russia

**Institute of control sciences RAS V.A. Trapeznikov, Moscow, Russia


Abstract. A problem of tactical management for applied R&D carried out in science-intensive industry for the purpose of new technologies’ creation (i.e. the problem of applied R&D plan composing) is considered. An analysis of various statements of that problem (including guarranteeing control problem) is worked out. The criteria of decision-making in the problems of R&D plan composing are justified.

Keywords: R&D, control, plan, portfolio, optimality criteria, interval uncertainty, guaranteeing control.



1. Dutov A.V., Klochkov V.V. Razvitie sistem upravlenija sozdaniem novyh tehnologij v naukoemkoj promyshlennosti // Jekonomicheskij analiz: teorija i praktika. – 2013. – № 45 (348). – S. 2-15.

2. Technology Readiness Assessment (TRA) Guidance // US Department of Defense. 2011. - 156 p.

3. Klochkov V.V., Krel' A.V. Analiz jeffektivnosti novyh principov upravlenija issledovanijami i razrabotkami v aviastroenii // Jekonomicheskij analiz: teorija i praktika. – 2012. – № 19 (274). – S. 2-13.