Друкеровский вестник

Drukerovskij vestnik

ISSN 2312-6469 (Print)

Drukerovskij vestnik 2016; 4:





I. Stepnov, J. Кovalchuk

Kovalchuk Julia – Prof., Dr. of Science Professor, Ryazan State Radio Engineering UniversityLeading Research, Market Economy Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences

59, Gagarina-st, Ryazan, Russia

тел. 9106248084,  e-mail: fm-science@inbox.ru

Stepnov Igor – Prof., Dr. of Science Head of Department “Economics and Financial Management”, adviser of administration Ryazan State Radio Engineering University; Head of the Center of research of problems of reindustrialization and modernization of modern economy, Market Economy Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences

59, Gagarina-st, Ryazan, Russia

тел. 9106248084,  e-mail: fm-science@inbox.ru



The article considers the problem of the interaction in the cluster projects in the conditions of functioning of the markets design office. Clarified that in projects of cluster initiatives there is the coordination having the growing importance, rather than a competitive advantage. The analysis of possible decisions on the organization of interaction, including the creation of the ecosystem of the entrepreneurship from J.Moore and the design of matching markets from A. Roth. It is shown that to overcome organizational difficulties of new markets designing most efficiently the formation of markets design offices. Considered the possibility of applying the design of matching markets methodology cluster’s initiatives, such as a business incubator and regional development corporations. Justified the prospect and the possibility of applying the design of matching markets methodology in the activities of the design offices at various levels (including for the regional cluster).


Keywords: cluster, coordination, configuration, design of matching markets, ecosystem of the entrepreneurship, national design office.


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