Друкеровский вестник

Drukerovskij vestnik

ISSN 2312-6469 (Print)

Drukerovskij vestnik 2016; 4:





V.D. Sekerin, A.E. Gorokhova

Sekerin Vladimir Dmitriyevich – Doctor of Economics, professor, head researcher in Institute of Control Science RAS, Moscow, Russia.

117418, 65, Prophsouznaya st., Moscow, Russia

e-mail: bcintermarket@yandex.ru 

Gorokhova Anna E. – Doctor of Economics, associate professor, senior research in Institute of Control Science RAS, Moscow, Russia.

117418, 65, Prophsouznaya st., Moscow, Russia

e-mail: agor_80@mail.ru 



The potential of modern instruments of management of process of commercialization of innovations is investigated in paper. It is noted that the industrial enterprises in modern conditions are faced by a problem of creation of effective system of the integrated support of innovative production in which large role can play logistic instruments of management. In applied value the logistics is associated with the integrated process urged to promote creation of use value with the smallest joint costs. The integrated logistic support of an innovative product is directed on coordination of efforts of the enterprises and organizations for the sake of achievement of a common goal and maximizing a common advantage.


Keywords: management of innovations, life cycle of goods, system of providing innovations.


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