Друкеровский вестник

Drukerovskij vestnik

ISSN 2312-6469 (Print)

Drukerovskij vestnik 2016; 5:





I.I. Kolesnikova

Kolesnikova Irina I. – PhD, Candidate of Economics, Associate professor in department of Statistics, Belarus State Economic University, Minsk, Belarus.

10-2-99 Zhukovskogo str., 220007, Minsk, Republic of Belarus

е-mail: KLSNK_A@tut.by  



The object of research is the system of indicators that characterizes the innovative activity of Belarusian industrial organizations. The ultimate goal of the study is to analyze the level and dynamics of the innovation indicators of industry organizations in Belarus through the identification of factors affecting the change in innovation indicators and using correlation and regression analysis of innovative development factors.


Keywords: innovative development, innovation, shipped innovative products, the cost of research and development activities, research intensity of the innovation, capital-labor ratio.


Full text: [in elibrary.ru]



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