Друкеровский вестник

Drukerovskij vestnik

ISSN 2312-6469 (Print)

Drukerovskij vestnik 2016; 5:





O.G. Golichenko, A.Y. Lukovkin

Golichenko Oleg G. – Doctor of Economics, Head Researcher in the Central Economics and Mathematics Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia

47 Nahimovskiy ln., 117418, Moscow, Russia

Lukovkin Aleksey Yu. – student in the Moscow Physical-Technical Institute, Moscow, Russia.

47 Nahimovskiy ln., 117418, Moscow, Russia

тел. 8-985- 893-3549, email: lukovkin@phystech.edu 



The article provides a critical analysis of existing knowledge-based economics approaches with respect to their application to modeling diffusion (spillover) of results of research and development (R&D) in a business environment. The analysis let us define the approach that most adequately takes into account the peculiarities of the spillover. It is shown that Qian and Acs' model formed on the basis of this approach does not take into consideration all the relevant factors of the spillover process. At the same time, the empirical test of the model has several shortages. In order to improve the model, some of its assumptions are refined, and the additional factor that has a significant influence on emerging new technology firms is introduced. Particularly, some methods for measuring variables of the model are corrected. The test of the revised model was carried out. The result of the test gives an empirical evidence of the main statements of the prevailing theory of the R&D spillover in the business environment.


Keywords: knowledge production function, new knowledge, new firm, absorptive capacity.


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