Друкеровский вестник

Drukerovskij vestnik

ISSN 2312-6469 (Print)

Drukerovskij vestnik 2016; 6:





Nizhegorodtsev R., Imangulova T., Rassulova S., Ovchinnikova V.

Nizhegorodtsev Robert – Doctor of Economics, V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences RAS, Moscow.

117418, 65, Prophsouznaya st., Moscow, Russia

e-mail: bell 44@rambler.ru


Imangulova Tatyana – Professor, Dr. (PhD), KazAST, Almaty.


Rassulova Saodat – Assoc. Professor, Dr. (PhD), KazAST, Almaty.


Ovchinnikova Valentina – KazAST, Almaty.

83/105 Abay ave., Almaty city, 050022, Kazakhstan

e-mail: tatyanaast@bk.ru

e-mail: skruniver@mail.ru

e-mail: touruniver@mail.ru



International payment systems represent the set of rules, infrastructure of payment calculations used and accepted around the world as the forms of cashless card payments providing movement of money from one subject of economy to another. Safety and reliability of work of payment systems generally depends not only on timely calculation between accounting entities, business, but also money turnover speeds in economy, the level of public trust to national currency as to an instrument of payment, efficiency of functioning of the banking sector, financial stability and economic well-being of nation.


Keywords: payment system, payment cards, interbank settlements, remittances, oversayt.


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  1. Официальный сайт American Express.
  2. Официальный сайт Diners Club.
  3. Официальный сайт ELITETRADER.RU: http://elitetrader.ru/index.php.newsid
  4. Официальный сайт http://www.nationalbank.kz/
  5. Официальный сайт MasterCard Worldwide.
  6. Rassulova S.K., 2014. Innovation Business: Trends and Perspectives. ISSN: 2146-7374 The Online Journal of New Horizons in Education. Volume 4 Issue 4 October 2014. TOJNED-C (43-46).
  7. Официальный сайт VISA International Service Association.
  8. Официальный сайт www.kisc.kz.
  9. Официальный сайт http://ru.kkb.kz/.
  10. Официальный сайт http://halykbank.kz/
  11. Официальный сайт http://profit.kz/news/
  12. Официальный сайт http://dknews.kz/
  13. Официальный сайт http://ranking.kz/
  14. Официальный сайт http://www.tadviser.ru/